About H&H

Jonathan and Aaron Ferrara are a pair of husbands who have been creating comics, art, and stories together for ten years. 

Together, they run a Youtube channel, where they chronicle their lives in a reality show style, hoping to add a little more diversity in media. 

Apart, Aaron is a comic book artist and illustrator, most notable for creating the “slice-of-life" webcomic based loosely on reality called: Husband&Husband. The first 5 volumes are available in paperback in their web store. Aaron’s art and design portfolio can be found: Here :)

Jonathan is a writer, with most of his focus on Young Adult/Fantasy. His novel, a young adult paranormal romance based on the real inspiration for Peter Pan and his lover, The Ghost of Buxton Manor, is available now in paperback and e-book format!

They are both self described "nerds" and "gaymers", always up for the next adventure as they navigate the creative world. There's always room for more in the Husband&Husband family. Always Love!